Climate change impacts and adaptation in India
Pinki Mondal leads edited special section in Current Science on Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation focusing on agriculture in India
Pinki Mondal leads edited special section in Current Science on Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation focusing on agriculture in India
Matt Fagan’s paper on targeted reforestation in Costa Rica published in Ecological Applications
Ph.D. student Naomi Schwartz co-authors paper in Nature on “Biomass resilience of Neotropical secondary forests”
Congratulations to Ph.D. student Benjamin Clark who has received a Pathfinder Fellowship from CUAHSI for his proposal “A fine balance: Sustainability of agricultural intensification and water security in India”
Lab member Meghna Agarwala’s paper published in Regional Environmental Change on “Changes in Dry Tropical Forests in Central India with Human Use“
Lab member Trishna Dutta blogs about landscape connectivity for tigers in central India based on her paper recently published in Regional Environmental Change.
Undergraduate students blog about field trip to the Catskills Watershed. Students in Ruth DeFries’ class on Social-Ecological Systems for Sustainable Development learned firsthand about the New York City’s water supply.
Ruth DeFries was interviewed on Eat this Podcast titled “How to Measure what Farms Produce” by Jeremy Cherfas.
The Guardian interviews Ruth DeFries in an article on evidence-based answers to the question of whether we should be optimistic about the future
Lab member Megan Cattau co-authors paper in Conservation Biology assessing adherence of payment for ecosystem services projects to ecological principles.