Video of PhD student Amrita Neelakantan’s research in central India


Check out this video and blog on PhD student Amrita Neelakantan’s research on resettlement of people from Kanha Tiger Reserve in Central India

Meghna Agarwala paper on biogas and forest regeneration


Meghna Agarwala publishes paper on forest regeneration associated with biogas program in southern India

Naomi Schwartz paper on secondary forest


Naomi Schwartz publishes a paper on dynamics of forest regrowth in Peru.  Important implications for carbon sequestration in forests.

Wellcome Trust grant to Nandini Velho


Post-doc Nandini Velho is collaborator on a project selected by the Wellcome Trust for funding titled “Towards health equity: understanding and improving health of forest-dwelling tribal communities in southern India”

How much water to close yield gaps?


Post doc Kyle Davis published a paper on water limits to closing yield gaps

Is RSPO effective in reducing fires?


Megan Cattau publishes paper asking if fires are reduced on concessions certified by the Roundtable for Sustainable Palm Oil