Vijay Ramesh article on natural history collections


PhD student Vijay Ramesh co-authors an article for the Wire on natural history collections

Vijay’s commentary on bioacoustics


PhD student Vijay Ramesh co-authored a commentary on bioacoustics for Mongabay-India.

Landscape permeability


DeFries co-authored a paper on landscape connectivity in India.  Summaries are here and here.

Sarika writing on post-covid


PhD student Sarika Khanwilkar writes about field work after COVID-19

covid 19 commentary


Ruth DeFries published a commentary in Mongabay-India on stemming the spread of covid 19 as migrants return to villages in central India.

covid and migration in central India


Ruth DeFries and colleagues publish on covid-19 and migration in forest-fringe villages in central India  A summary of the paper is here.